Configure Hakyll with GitHub Pages the Easy Way

Posted on July 20, 2019


After looking over a few tutorials on setting up Hakyll with GitHub Pages, I noticed that they weren’t beginner-friendly. Therefore, the intent of this post is to guide the reader through setting up Hakyll with GitHub Pages in an easy-to-understand manner.

The official Hakyll website has a tutorial for setting up GitHub Pages here. However, at the time of this posting, there are details that were left out that cause arcane errors. I will rectify the errors in this tutorial.

Setting up the repo

GitHub Pages does not work out of the box with Hakyll. This is because GitHub Pages expects the site content to be in the root directory of the repository, while Hakyll puts the site content in the _site/ subdirectory. To solve this problem, we will have two separate branches: dev and master. Github Pages requires the web content to be in master. The dev branch is where we will be developing the website. The workflow looks like this:

  1. checkout dev
  2. edit the website
  3. build the website (this creates the _site/ directory)
  4. checkout master
  5. copy the contents of _site/ into the project root directory.
  6. commit and push the changes to master (your GitHub Page will display the contents)

To set up the repo for GitHub Pages, create a repository with your username concatanated with Since my username is senofsky, my GitHub Pages site is located at Once the repository is created, create a .gitignore file with the following contents:


Install Hakyll

The next step is to install Hakyll. At the time of the posting, the standard stack install hakyll generates a dependency error. Instead, use:

stack install hakyll --resolve lts-12.26

The error and workaround are documented here.

Create the site

Once Hakyll is installed, create your site and name it after your GitHub Pages repo for ease of use:

stack exec hakyll-init

Do NOT use the Hakyll template given in Using Hakyll with GitHub Pages post. At the time of this posting, the Hakyll template given in that tutorial uses outdated HTML tags that will fail when adding up-to-date themes from sites such as Hakyll CSS Garden.

In the newly created website directory, execute:

git init
git remote add origin <URL to your GitHub pages repository>
git pull
git checkout -b dev
git add --all
git commit -m "first posting"
git push

Deploying the site

To build the site, you must first execute:

stack init
stack build
stack exec site build

At this point, you can view a local copy of your site by executing:

stack exec site watch

and navigating to http://localhost:8000/.

If you make changes to the website’s HTML or markdown files, be sure to rebuild the site by executing

stack exec site clean
stack exec site build


stack exec site rebuild

If you make changes to the site.hs file itself, you must rebuild the site binary itself by executing:

stack build

Now to publish the website, execute:

stack exec site build

to generate the _site directory. Next, check out the master branch, extract the _site contents, commit the changes, and push to origin.

git checkout master
cp -a _site/. .
git commit -m "published first draft"
git push

You can then visit your site at The site may take up up to 10 minutes to update so patience is required.

Adding a new theme

Dr. Kat Chuang developed Hakyll CSS Garden, an awesome site that provides various themes for Hakyll. Her themes work with the default Hakyll template, so they’re easy to use. Simply replace css/default.css with the css file of the desired theme (be sure to rename it to default.css).

Final words

I wanted this tutorial to get the reader’s GitHub Page running in a quick and easy manner. I would strongly encourage the reader the visit the official Hakyll website to learn how to customize their site.